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A/Prof Lim Poh Lian is a Senior Consultant in Tan Tock Seng Hospital, and Head of Travellers’ Health & Vaccination Clinic.  She served as Head, Department of Infectious Diseases and Deputy Clinical Director of CDC from 2012 to 2016. She also works with MOH, LKC and NUS Schools of Medicine & Public Health, and has served on high-level MOH, WHO and UN taskforces, and national committees. Interests include outbreaks, vaccines, travel medicine and HIV care.


A/Prof Lim grew up in Malaysia, studied biochemistry at Harvard, and medicine at Columbia. She did her medical residency at Harvard’s Beth Israel Hospital and infectious disease fellowship at Tulane, with an MPH in tropical medicine.  She worked at a health centre for Asian immigrants & refugees in Boston, and private practice ID in Seattle.


A/Prof Lim moved to Singapore in 2003 out of a sense of calling to serve the Lord in Asia. For her work during the SARS outbreak, she received the Commendation Medal and Courage Star awards.  She has also been a CME lecturer from 1995-2016 for CMDA conferences in Malaysia, Kenya, Thailand and Greece which support medical missionaries, and has done short stints in Zimbabwe, Peru & the Philippines.


A/Prof Lim attends Redemption Hill Church (RHC) in Chinatown. She is married to an architect, and they have 4 children, ages 18, 17, 16, and 8. Their youngest son was adopted in China in 2018.  That story was told in “Bringing Keyuan Home” (CNA Insider), to raise awareness of adoption and children with special needs.

A/Prof Lim Poh Lian


Over 4 keynote sessions, A/Prof Lim will be answering the "Why?" of missions, beginning from the basis of our calling and ending with practical steps for the journey ahead. 

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